進口彈性聯軸器產品用途 Product use
1.預應力下無齒隙的連接,應用于主軸傳動、升降平臺和機床等 Star elastic couplings are characterized by a pre-stressed connection without backlash, and are used in spindle drives, lifting platforms, and machine tools
2.工作環境溫度-35~80℃ Working environment temperature - 35~80 ℃
3.梅花彈性聯軸器具有補償兩軸相對位移、減震、緩沖的功能 The plum blossom elastic coupling has the functions of compensating for the relative displacement, damping, and buffering of the two shafts
4.中速,中等轉矩等傳動軸系和要求工作可靠性高的工作部件 Medium speed, medium torque and other transmission shaft systems and working components requiring high working reliability
進口彈性聯軸器結構特點 Structural features
1.工作穩定可靠,具有良好的減振、緩沖和電絕緣性能 Stable and reliable operation, with good vibration damping, cushioning, and electrical insulation performance
2.結構簡單,徑向尺寸小,重量輕,轉動慣量小,適用于中高速場合。Simple structure, small radial size, light weight, small rotational inertia, suitable for medium to high speed applications
3.具有較大的軸向、徑向和角向補償能力 Large axial, radial, and angular compensation capabilities
4.高強度聚氨酯彈性元件耐磨耐油,承載能力大,使用壽命長,安全可靠 High strength polyurethane elastic element is wear-resistant and oil resistant, with large bearing capacity, long service life, and safety and reliability
5.無需潤滑,維護工作量少,可連續長期運行 No lubrication required, low maintenance workload, and continuous long-term operation
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