進口滾子鏈聯軸器產品用途 Product use
1、應用于紡織、農機、起重運輸、工程、礦山、輕工、化工等機械的軸系傳動 Applied to shaft transmission of machinery such as textile, agricultural machinery, lifting and transportation, engineering, mining, light industry, chemical industry, etc
2、適用于高溫、潮濕和多塵工況環境,不適用高速、有劇烈沖擊載荷和傳遞軸向力的場合 Suitable for high temperature, humidity, and dusty working conditions, not suitable for high-speed, severe impact loads, and transmission of axial forces
3、離心力過大會加速各元件間的磨損和發熱,不宜用于很高速度的傳動,且由于緩沖,吸振能力差,不宜在頻繁啟動和強烈沖擊下工作 Excessive centrifugal force can accelerate the wear and heat between various components, and is not suitable for high speed transmissions. Due to poor cushioning and vibration absorption capabilities, it is not suitable for working under frequent starts and strong shocks
4、成本低,適用于高溫潮濕和多塵工況環境 Low cost, suitable for high-temperature, humid, and dusty environments
5、不適用高速、有劇烈沖擊載荷和傳遞軸向力的場合 Not suitable for situations with high speed, severe impact loads, and transmission of axial force
進口滾子鏈聯軸器結構特點 Structural features
1、利用公用鏈條同時與兩個齒數相同的并列鏈輪嚙合,以實現兩半聯軸器聯結 Use a common chain to simultaneously engage two parallel sprockets with the same number of teeth to achieve coupling between the two halves
2、結構簡單、裝卸方便;拆卸時不用移動被聯結的兩軸 Simple structure and convenient loading and unloading; There is no need to move the connected two shafts during disassembly
3、尺寸緊湊,質量輕,有一定的補償能力,對安裝要求精度不高 Compact size, light weight, certain compensation capability, and low installation accuracy requirements
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